State will not sell off park in Dummerston

DUMMERSTON — The Vermont Department of Forest, Parks and Recreation has no immediate plans to change the use of the 13-acre Dutton Pines State Park in Dummerston.
That’s good news for those who worried the state would sell the property off Route 5 that has been declared “surplus property,” but it’s bad news for those who want to see more recreational opportunities there.
The state bought the land in 1937 and the park opened in 1940. Over the years use declined and a summer ranger’s position was eliminated in the 1970s.
The Brattleboro Reformer ( ) reports state parks regional Manage Ethan Phelps says Dutton Pines is “a bit of a liability for us.”
He says it was used more by travelers before Interstate 91 opened a half century ago.

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