Northshire wins ‘green’ award

MANCHESTER — The Northshire Bookstore, in partnership with Alan Benoit, has been awarded the 2012 Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence in the small business category.
According to a press release from the Northshire, they were chosen because they have “implemented renewable energy projects, installed a solar interactive education kiosk and partnered with local architect Alan Benoit, who has provided over 30 workshops on various sustainable living topics at the bookstore for the general public.”
Chris Morrow, bookstore co-owner, has long had a commitment to environmental issues.
“I have strong passion for working on the myriad issues facing our species and planet. ‘Environment’ is not separate from business or society - we live in a complex, interconnected world,” Morrow said in a statement.
Benoit, owner of Sustainable Design, has made a series of presentations, called “Sustainable Living,” at the bookstore, covering topics like energy, architecture, efficiency, gardening and sustainability.
The 2012 recipients will be recognized by Gov. Peter Shumlin and Agency of Natural Resources Secretary Deb Markowitz on May 15 at the Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility’s annual spring conference at the University of Vermont.

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