Hubbardton votes against wind

HUBBARDTON — Residents voted to prohibit the construction of commercial wind on the town’s ridgeline at a special town meeting Wednesday night.
By a vote of 94 to 6, Hubbardton residents voted against the article on industrial wind, a measure by town officials to strenghen its position against the construction of industrial and commercial wind turbines on the ridgelines east of the town.
Select Board Chairman Mike Wetmore said in a phone message the special meeting had a pretty good turn out for such a small town and that they are pleased with the results.
The town’s vote against wind project comes several months after the Hubbardton Select Board voted against the proposed 20-turbine wind project proposed by Reunion Power on the Grandpa’s Ridgeline.
Although the town officials from the other three towns — West Rutland, Castleton and Pittsford — included the proposed project site have also voted against the project, the town of Hubbardton is the only one to hold a townwide vote on the issue.

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